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Use a Data Warehouse to Enhance Power BI?

Database as a Data Warehouse Power BI

Power BI add data warehouse


In the field of data analytics, the importance of data availability and quality cannot be overstated. Organizations often face a crucial decision: should they feed data directly from source systems to Power BI or utilize a database as a data warehouse? In this blog post, we will delve into the reasons why leveraging a database as a data warehouse can significantly elevate the capabilities of Power BI analytics.

What can Power Query Do

Power Query is a powerful tool to manipulate, transform and merge data sets. As the filtering, merging and aggregating gets more complex Power Query becomes harder to sustain and maintain, it therefore is not the ideal tool to build sustainable data projects.

Power Query

The Role of a Database as a Data Warehouse:

A data warehouse purpose is to consolidate and organizing data from diverse sources. Its main benefits are to:

  1. Centralizing Data: A data warehouse’s centralization of data storage streamlines data retrieval and analysis.
  2. Enhancing Data Quality: A data warehouse facilitates data cleaning, transformation, and integration, ensuring consistent and accurate reporting.
  3. Boosting Query Performance: A data warehouse optimizes query performance through techniques like indexing and partitioning.

Advantages of Using a Database as a Data Warehouse:

Using a database as a Data warehouse has numerous advantages, mainly:

   Scalability and Performance:
  • Handling Large Data Volumes: Databases are designed to efficiently handle vast amounts of data.
  • Optimizing Queries: Databases leverages indexing and query optimization techniques in databases, leading to faster data retrieval.
   Ensuring Data Integrity and Consistency:
  • Enforcing Data Validation: Databases enforce data integrity constraints, ensuring the maintenance of high-quality and consistent data.
  • Error Handling and Auditing: The auditing capabilities of databases, enabling effective error tracking and resolution.
   Flexibility and Data Modelling:
  • Adapting to Changing Requirements: Databases offer flexible data modelling, accommodating evolving business needs.
  • Streamlining Analysis: The database enables the possibility pre-aggregating and summarizing data in a database, improving query performance.

Are PowerBI Data Marts an Alternative

Power bi datamarts

Data Marts look good, and look like they have great potential. But from our research they need further development to provide a true long-term alternative.


In the world of data-driven decision-making, employing a database as a data warehouse can yield remarkable advantages. By harnessing the power of a database as an intermediate layer between source systems and Power BI, organizations can enhance data integrity, performance, and flexibility. This blog post aimed to shed light on the compelling reasons to leverage database as a data warehouse, empowering businesses to make informed decisions to bolster their Power BI analytics capabilities.

If you want to discuss how to go about implementing a data warehouse why not schedule an exploratory call. 


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Blog Posted by David Laws

David Laws Principal Consultant
