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Forward Stock Cover

Calculating Forward Stock Cover using BigQuery

What is Forward Stock Cover?

Forward stock cover is a technique used by retailers to determine how long the current stock will last considering forecasted sales quantities

It is used to control the levels of stock to help ensure that the stock is held at a appropriate level with the risk of being short of stock or left with an over stock position at the end of the product life cycle

Forward Stock Cover Example

A Chart showing four months forward looking stock and sales

The inventory forward cover calculation is failry straight forward, in this example we will use a series of future monthly sales forecasts to set a target stock holding

Using the example in the above chart we can see the following sales by month

January 400
February 200
March 100
April 50

So, in total at the beginning of January if we want the product to last 4 months forwards. We need to take the forward looking total of 400+200+100+50 = 750 units to be the target stock holding

Step by Step Guide to Calculating Forward Stock Cover using Google BigQuery

We will show you step by step how to use Google Big Query to calculate Forward Stock Cover

Firstly, we will start from a trusted Sales Forecast by product

select *
 from `Sales_Forecast`s
 order by product, Month, Sales_Forecast

This give us this output
(You can copy sample code from our blog page if you want to follow along)

A simple sales forecast by month, showing columns for product, month and a sales forecast quantity

Step 2 – Defining the Stock Holding Targets

Keeping our example simple, we have three products

Product 1 is our most important product, we never want to risk being out of stock. For this we set the target to 4 months forwards

Product 2 is less important, so we will target three months

Product 3 is a not so important product, we want to actually run out as the risk of not being able to sell it is too great

Keeping our example simple, we have three products

Product 1 is our most important product,
we never want to risk being out of stock. For this we set the target to 4 months forwards

Product 2 is less important, so we will target three months. Our customers expect us to be well stocked in the peak but not carry too much out of season

Product 3 is a not so important product, we only want to carry stock in the peak periods as the risk of not being able to sell it is too great

select s.*
, case
  when product = 1 then 4
  when product = 2 then 3
  when product = 3 then 2
  end as Stock_Target_Months
 from `Sales_Forecast`s
 order by product, Month, Sales_Forecast

Using a SQL Window Function to calculate sub totals

We use a SQL Window function to calculate the forward stock cover, but instead of jumping straight into the end result we will show you the steps

The window function is made up of two parts initially
sum(Sales_Forecast), this is the calculation to be performed
over (partition by product), this is the ‘window’
In this case we want the column to return the same sub total for all sales forecasts for each product

select a.*
, sum(Sales_Forecast) over (partition by product) as Total_Product_Sales_Forecast
    select s.*
    , case 
    when product = 1 then 4
    when product = 2 then 3
    when product = 3 then 2
    end as Stock_Target_Months
    from `Sales_Forecast`s
    order by product, Month, Sales_Forecast
) a

A table showing the results of the Total Product Sales Forecast

We can see that each row shows the overall total of the sales forecast for that product.
This is useful, and saves us having to use a group by to return sub totals for each product

But…..we want to show the requirements on a forward looking basis so we need to add a little more complexity

Using a SQL Window Function to calculate running totals

We now add an order by clause into the partition
This changes the sub total into a running total

select a.*
, sum(Sales_Forecast) over (partition by product order by month) as Running_Total_Product_Sales_Forecast
    select s.*
    , case 
    when product = 1 then 4
    when product = 2 then 3
    when product = 3 then 2
    end as Stock_Target_Months
    from `Sales_Forecast`s
) a
 order by product, Month

We can see the output shows the totals increasing with each month

A table showing the results of the Running Total Product Sales Forecast

Using a SQL Window Function to calculate running totals

The next thing we can do is to enhance the window function by telling it how many rows we want to use for a forward looking forecast

This instructs the window to use the current row and the next two months give a fixed three month forward requirement figure

select a.*
, sum(Sales_Forecast) over (partition by product order by month ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND 2 FOLLOWING) as Three_Month_Fixed_forecast
    select s.*
    , case 
    when product = 1 then 4
    when product = 2 then 3
    when product = 3 then 2
    end as Stock_Target_Months
    from `Sales_Forecast`s
) a
 order by product, Month

Which gives us this output

The sales forecast with a fixed three month forward looking calculation for the SQL window function

But we want to be even more dynamic than this

We want to have the number of months forward vary by the setting at product level

Calculating a dynamic forward stock cover

We need to number of rows to adjust based on the number of target months, so we use a case statement to select which option

Now the case statement looks at the setting on the stock target months and selects the approprite calculation

select a.*
, case 
    when Stock_Target_Months = 1 then Sales_Forecast
    when Stock_Target_Months = 2 then sum(Sales_Forecast) over (partition by product order by month ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND 1 FOLLOWING)
    when Stock_Target_Months = 3 then sum(Sales_Forecast) over (partition by product order by month ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND 2 FOLLOWING)
    when Stock_Target_Months = 4 then sum(Sales_Forecast) over (partition by product order by month ROWS BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND 3 FOLLOWING)
    else 0 end as Dynamic_Forward_Stock_Target 
    select s.*
    , case 
    when product = 1 then 4
    when product = 2 then 3
    when product = 3 then 2
    end as Stock_Target_Months
    from `Sales_Forecast`s
) a
 order by product, Month

The output now gives us the forward sotck cover we are looking for

A table showing the dynamic forward cover data

Benefits of using Forward Stock Cover

Carrying the optimal stock holding

Preventing shortages or over stocks

Improving cashflow and profitability

Improved customer satisfaction by maximising availability within capacity constraints


Now you know why you need to use forward stock cover, and how to calculate it

By breaking down the steps to calculate the forward stock cover, you can also see how the SQL window functions can be used to calculate :-

Product Sub Totals
Product RUNNING totals
Product ROLLING totals

and finally, the Dynamic Forward Stock Cover

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By Simon Harrison