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Debugging Joins in SQL

Debugging Joins in SQL

Debugging Joins in SQL Joining tables is a powerful feature in SQL that allows you to combine data from multiple tables into a single result set. However, it can sometimes be challenging to get the desired output when working with joins. In this blog post, we will discuss some common issues that arise when debugging […]

SQL Coalesce Function


An Introduction to the SQL COALESCE function The SQL COALESCE function is a simple, efficient function to handle NULL values in your SQL queries This quick guide shows you how it works, how it compares to using some alternative approaches and common use cases The SQL COALESCE function returns the first non-null value in a […]

UNPIVOT Function in SQL

How to use the UNPIVOT function in SQL

How to Unpivot a Table in SQL Server The Power of  the Unpivot function in SQL : How to Convert Columns into Rows in SQL Server with One Simple Operator     Have you ever encountered a table that has too many columns and not enough rows? A table that looks like this:   This […]

PIVOT function in SQL

How to use the PIVOT function in SQL

Introduction to the PIVOT function in SQL The PIVOT function in SQL can be used to create a dataset with aggregated rows from a list of data This post shows you how to transform a table of data like this Into a summary table of data with a column representing each month If you are […]

CASE statements in SQL

Case statements in SQL

What are Case Statements in SQL Case statements are a very powerful tool for an analyst Allowing you to add your own dynamic data classification, cleanse and structure data In SQL, CASE statements allow you to check for various conditions and return a value if a condition is met. CASE statements always begin with the […]

Change The Column Order in SQL Output

Change the column order in SQL output

Did you know that you can easily change the column order in the SQL output grid? This nano tip shows you one of the hidden features you may not know about in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Have you ever run a query, then wished you had specified the columns in a different order to […]

How to split a column in SQL Server

How to split a column in SQL Server

This quick guide shows you how to split a column in SQL Server This can be a very common problem, but with a few commands it is easily achieved The guide shows you step by step how to split one column into multiple columns in SQL Server. You can copy the code and work through […]

Select Distinct Statement in SQL

Select Distinct Statement, Introduction, Syntax and Use Cases

One of the most useful functions in SQL is the SELECT DISTINCT statement, we like it so much it inspired the company name Introduction to the SELECT DISTINCT statement in SQL The SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to return only unique values from a table. Inside a table, a column often contains many duplicate values, […]

Double and Triple-Click in SQL Server

Using Double Click and Triple Click in SQL Server

Double and Triple-Click in SQL Server are two very useful shortcuts to save you time and reduce errors This is one of the simplest and possibly most frequent timesavers we use in SQL Server Using Double-Click in SQL Double click is a SQL server shortcut that can save you time and effort when writing SQL […]

LEAD and LAG Functions in SQL

Lead and lag functions in SQL

A Guide to Lead and Lag Functions in SQL for Analysing and Optimizing Data Introduction: An Overview of Lead & Lag Functions and Their Benefits in SQL Lead and Lag in SQL are essential functions for data analysis. These window functions allow users to compare and analyse data points between rows in a specified window. […]